23 April 2008

Durham Bulls

We went to our first Durham Bulls game last night. I'll add some notes to this post later, but it was a nice evening and for those who love baseball, it's a very nice local resource!

Neal's Deli - Carrboro, North Carolina

17 April 2008

Whole Foods Market - Chapel Hill : Calendar

Lots of things happening at Whole Foods this month, it appears. Here's the store's calendar. Don't miss the items on Earth Day, 22 April.

"Reece Holbrook & NC Children's Hospital Present: Vince Gill"

The promotion for this Vince GILL concert - at Memorial Hall on 30 April - says that all proceeds go to the NC Children's Hospital.

Chapel Hill Town Council agenda for 28 April

For those interested, here is the agenda for the next Council meeting.

This, too:

"A detailed agenda with attachments will be posted on Friday after noon at http://www.townofchapelhill.org. For more information, contact the Communications and Public Affairs Department at 919/968-2743 or publicaffairs@townofchapelhill.org "

"WCOM Rock n’ Roll Benefit"

There will be a benefit evening of bands at Cat's Cradle 19 April for the community radio station in Carrboro, WCOM. Here is the program.

16 April 2008

"Mary Johnson Rockers"

Chapelboro is graced to have so many wonderful musicians and we ought to be talking about the people who live here and who make great music. Here is one of them - Mary JOHNSON.

Fridays on the Front Porch - Carolina Inn

Here's the 2008 schedule for these Friday concerts at the Carolina Inn, starting with Big Fat Gap next Friday, 25 April. Although there is no cover charge for the events, you might want to look at the menu to avoid any sticker shock once you arrive! I've attended a number of these, and they are great fun, especially on a nice Friday afternoon.....

01 April 2008

Neighborhood looks to curb development - City

Are we all clear on why this sort of project only seems to be happening in the area around Meadowmont? That's neither a yes or no on the underlying issue, but is it clear why projects such as described here are not proposed N, W and S of Chapel Hill and only more or less east?