10 December 2008

"Shopping District Tries Soft Selling for Holidays" - NYTimes.com

How about our downtown areas in Chapelboroham doing more of this?

09 December 2008

"Dillard's Investors Press Further on Records" - WSJ.com

This of clear importance to us in Chapelboroham.

08 December 2008

"Dark Days for Mall Dynasty" - WSJ.com

This is the owner of Streets at Southpoint.

07 December 2008

"Back at Junk Value, Recyclables Are Piling Up" - NYTimes.com

And here in Chapelboroham, what's the story?

06 December 2008

Where do the leaves go?

How does Chapel Hill dispose of the leaves that it collects from gutters, as it is doing in Chapel Hill this morning? Are they composted? Reused how?

05 December 2008

03 December 2008


I was in Cary this week and was struck by the seemless web of sidewalks. Perhaps it is just so much easier to build them in new communities, as with here in Southern Village. It's just a shame that we cannot seem to do the same throughout our community.