13 August 2007

Morning and evening outings today

This morning, I had to drop something off at a doctor's office in Chapel Hill. What was nice about that was how committed the nurse was there to dealing with the problem at hand. That could happen anywhere, but the fact that it is "remarkable" says something all by itself.

It was surprising to find that the CVS in the shopping center opposite EastGate (next to Food Lion) does not open until 9 AM. More positive was the clerk - or maybe manager - pointing out a new item at the store for kids "of all ages".....a little pocket antibacterial spray. For 1.99, it was a great deal. It's been a while since an employee in one of thos chain stores has recommended anything to me. It was a nice touch.

At Staples, there was more good news. I could not find a chair "pad" that I needed among those on display. After buying some other things, the employee went to the back, crawled on his stomach to check the label on the box, and produced exactly what I needed. He carried it to the cash register and I was on my way.

This evening, we go to the Azure Grille in Meadowmont for dinner with friends. I used the power of their website and my connection to it to print out the summer menu (nice to see something like this really kept up to date), the wine list, and the dessert list so that my wife and I can have a look before we get there. It is too bad that the page of specials was empty, and they need to provide some better tips on how to print pages; only the first page prints for me.

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